Becoming a better YOU essentially creates a better person for others. How we feel about ourselves shines through to other people. If we are down, we aren't pleasant to be around, if we aren't constantly improving we become, "sluggish", so to say. Here I have compiled a list of 30 ways to self-improvement that are easy to attain.
Take one day at a time and one goal at a time, small steps to greater things.
This list is very large so work on what you want in any given order!!!
1. Learn how to treat yourself
2. Wake up early
3. Drink more water
4. Meditate- you don't have to be a yogi to practice this.
5. Quit a bad habit, and cultivate a good one!
6. Eliminate negative energies and learn to cultivate a positive mind in everything
7. LEARN to deal with difficult people
8. Let go of the past and forgive
9. Show kindness to those around you, express gratitude
10. Overcome your fears
11. Step out of your comfort zone
12. Know when to speak up, and know when to bite your tongue
13. Seize the day, every day
14. Declutter your life, it feels SO good!
15. Journal your life, watch what happens
16. Acknowledge your flaws and then you will see
17. Exercise a few times a week
18. Ask for feedback?
19. Read a positive quote, poem, or personal development article daily or motivational, every morning.
20. Pursue greatness
21. Shut off the Tv
22. Pick up a good book
23. STOP procrastinating
24. Take a Break
25. Pick up a new hobby
26. Make to-do lists
27. Start a 30-day challenge
28. Start a gratitude journal
29. Learn from your friends & enemies! Everything you experience is a life lesson
30. Live in an inspirational environment