A fun morning of making slime with my younger boys and then the aggravation. While my two-year-old cheerfully squeals in delight at his new slime and runs everywhere while I’m stuck with it all over my hands and on everything in my kitchen. I actually thought he would listen when I said to keep it on his play tray. While I’m stuck with slime on me he did it. SLIME stretched across my living room and then the leftover pile smashed into my carpet. The chaos of running back and forth trying to get it off the carpet and trying to google how I’m going to save my carpet. It was actually quite easy! From what I understand this will work for slime anywhere.
Here it is:
Soft scrub brush
Warm water
Combine 2/3 cup vinegar and 2/3 cup warm water in a bowl. Or equal parts of how much you will need.
Simply apply the mixture to the carpet with your brush and scrub! It comes right up! Afterward, I took the rag with a small area of warm water only and wiped it. Then I blotted dry with the dry side of my rag!
What a relief! Let me know if it works for you!