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Baltic Amber Teething Necklace

Baltic Amber Teething Necklace


13” custom handmade Baltic Amber teething necklace for baby.

Baltic Amber helps relieve pain associated with teething. Your baby’s body heat & drool activate the acid in the Baltic Amber which then releases pain relieving and anti inflammatory elements that ease Soreness caused by teething and swollen gums.

This acid is called Succinic Acid

*Please be advised the Baltic Amber teething necklaces are not meant for baby to chew like a teething ring.

Disclaimer & Release of liability

By purchasing this “Baltic Amber teething necklace”, I understand and I release, Triple Goddess Boutique, it’s affiliates, and employees from any liability associated with its use. I understand there are risks involved and I take full responsibility for those risks. I understand this should only be used under adult supervision and that it could be a choking hazard. I do not hold Triple Goddess Boutique accountable for anything that could happen in the use of this product or the misuse of this product.

The terms, “I”, refer to you, the buyer. (Customer), and/or any other persons involved in the use of this.

All components are certified authentic and of highest quality. The highest care was put into this to insure its safety of use.

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